Navakaraṇa Krama Maṇḍala​

A collection of  sequences for a synergetic practice across the lunar month


Candramāsa or lunar month

A lunar month (candramāsa)  has 30 lunar days (tithi), Each day can vary from 20–27 hours . A lunar month is divided in two  fortnights (pakṣa, literally “side”) of 15 lunar days each.

Śukla paka

The brightening moon phase (śukla pakṣa or gaura pakṣa) is the period of brightening of the moon (waxing moon) between new moon day and full moon day. It is the period of rejuvenation and strengthening for body and mind.

Kṛṣṇa paka 

The fading moon (kṛṣṇa pakṣa or vadhya pakṣa) is the period of fading of the moonlight (waning moon) between full moon day and new moon day. It is a period of body and mind’s purification and detoxification. 

On full moon day (paurṇamī or pūrṇimā) our body and mind are at the maximum of energy. It is ideal for meditation, worship and reverence to whoever contribute to our spiritual growth. Any task that is done on pūrṇimā is expected to be successful. On the new moon day (amāvāsya) our body and mind are at the lowest level of energy. We should avoid exercise, work, starting a journey or doing anything auspicious. The practice on new moon day (amāvāsya) consists of water-fasting and silence. On amāvāsya one should light oil-candle as symbol of one’s struggles in removing darkness (ignorance). One should take oil-bath and shower at home and if possible bath in a river. 

The Navakaraṇa Krama Mālā (lit. Collection of Sequence) has been created in harmony with the Moon phase. The practice of these collection of sequences also includes oil-bath, fasting, rest-day, silence and other spiritual activities synergistically combined and integrated in accordance with the lunar month (candramāsa).

The routine for practice and teaching

Navakaraṇa Krama Maṇḍala is a complete routine of practice which can be implemented in your daily self-practice as well as  as  your studio regular schedule.  This will provide enormous benefits to yourself and your students. 

Creating a compressive and holistic training routine  is essential for achieving the best results. The Navakaraṇa Krama Maṇḍala is a practical intensive programme consisting of 36 sequences arranged in 12 different series. The series are led allowing for personalisation of the practice. Navakaraṇa sequences are  for all levels (from beginner to advanced). 

The maṇḍala or cycle of Navakaraṇa’s Sequences allows participants to practice synergistically  different series every day for a whole two-week programme. The varying of sequences helps to target different muscles, develops a wider range of skills, speeds up progress, optimises the results and minimises the risk of injuries. In this practical intensive  you will truly experience the unique style of Navakaraṇa. The series are  lead with tempo (laya) and svara (melody). Minimalist instructions are given with tālam (rhythmic beat) and Sanskrit recitation tuned to a sound pitch (nāda). 

This practice  is accessible to all Navakaraṇa practitioners who have completed Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Hṛdayam Teacher Training Course and have acquired practical experience and knowledge through the previous workshops in particularly the “De-construction of sequences”. Those who are new to this method should study and practise Navakaraṇa deconstruction of sequences before attempting to practise the Navakaraṇa Krama Maṇḍala . 

Update:  8th September 2020

Navakaraṇa Krama Maṇḍala