
Intellectual Property Rights  Worldwide

Copyright ©2024 by Dario Calvaruso. All rights reserved. No part of this webiste, publication and/or contents in all  format such as  text, visual,  audio and video  shall be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, posting on social-medias, websites or other electronic, mechanical or digital methods, without the prior written permission of Holistic Wellness Ltd. You can request a copyright permission at:


Trademark Name, Logo and Patent

Navakaraṇa Trademark Name, Logo and Patent are for the exclusively use of Holistic Wellness Ltd. (HK), 株式会社根から Nekara Co., Ltd. and Licensed Partners. For more infomation about licensing email to:


Global Privacy Policy  Worldwide

Navakaraṇa respects your privacy. We offer services that enable our customers to safely disclose personal information (such as but not limited  to  name,  email address, mobile number and SN profile) and conduct online payment transactions. Navakaraṇa does not use, share, rent, or sell to third-parties customers personal data for interest-based advertising. We make reasonable efforts to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk associated with the processing of Personal Data. Indeed, no data transmission or storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. By purchasing our Training/s you understand and agree about the risk associated with the processing of Personal Data and you irrevocably waive, release and discharge from any and all liability the Teacher, Company and Studio for any fraudulent use of your personal data which is beyond our control. 

Waiver of Liability  Worldwide 

Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be timely, secure, error or virus-free. Holistic Wellness Ltd. does not accept liability for any lost of data,  errors or omissions whether caused by the negligence  or otherwise. By browsing on this website and/or registering a user account  you irrevocably WAIVE, RELEASE AND DISCHARGE FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY  Holistic Wellness Ltd.  You are also aware that this is a release of liability as well as an agreement that you browsing and/or sign-in into your account of your own free will.

Payment Terms

  • Prices, tuitions and offers are subject to change.
  • The final price is set at the time of  payment.
  • All payments are final and not refundable.

Governing Law 

 The laws of Hong Kong under The exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong Court.