Alicia Cervera Cabrelles

Contact Alicia Cervera Cabrelles
  • Location: Spain
  • Languages:English, Spanish
  • Graduation Level:Level 2
  • Graduated by: Dario Calvaruso (Grandmaster) | Alessandra Oram (Alumnus) | 
  • Degree / Expertise:
  • Social Links:
  • Studio Classification:Fitness or Wellness centre

Alicia lives in Valencia, a sunny mediterranean city in Spain where she teaches Navakarana Vinyasa group and one-to-one classes at The Yoga Box Studio. She studied Political science and sociology but it was her interest for wellbeing and healing nutrition what guided her through a process of auto-knowledge and self-learning towards a healthy lifestyle and she become a plant-based chef and entrepreneur. It was in this process of self-transformation and the searching of a balance between body and mind where she found the inspiring Navakarana method with Alessandra Oram in 2021. This same year, she completed the Module 1 and Module 2 with her, and then graduated of Module 3 with the master and founder of the method, Dario Calvaruso in 2023. She practised ballet throughout her childhood, and in the search of a healthy physic and artistic discipline like the dance, she found in the choreographies of Navakarana a connection with this childhood practice that she enjoyed so much. Currently she combines teaching navakarana classes with her own business that she started in 2020, a plant-based catering that serves delicious, healthy and sustainable food, for events such as yoga retreats and teacher trainings, a balanced union of both her passions. She has completed 324 hours of training and she couldn’t feel more fortunate to have found this transformative method and to continue learning from his guru Dario and Alessandra.