नवकरण तन्त्र

A brief on Navakaraṇa Method

Navakaraṇa Sākalya Tantra, shorten as Navakaraṇa Tantra is a methodology for a holistic self-directed transformation. Dario Calvaruso developed this method through a multidisciplinary integration of ancient practices into a modern scientific approach.


Meaning of the word Navakaraṇa

The term “Navakaraṇa” was coined  by Dario Calvaruso as explicative for his method. Navakaraṇa is a Sanskrit compound word: nava + karaṇa. The term is used in the sense of  “newly (nava) + causing (karaṇa). Thus conveys the sense of “continuous transformation” or the  “capacity to be continuously a new person”.  

Navakaraṇa Tantra Curriculum of study is particularly extensive from studying  Cosmology / Ontology into practical techniques for  an holistic personal transformation (in all-aspects i.e. physical, psychological, educational, professional, social, environmental). Navakaraṇa Methodology strongly emphasises on conscious living and spiritual values. 

Dario teaching Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa

In Navakaraṇa Tantra Particualr attention is given two: Svasthavṛtta (conscious healthy living), Vyāyāma (Body-mind conditioning and training)  and Mārgaṇa (find one’s path and purpose of life) .

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Navakaraṇa Svasthavṛtta

Svasthavṛtta or “the natural path for healthy living” consists of creating a personalised lifestyle in harmony with the Universe. The navakaraṇi go through a meticulous purification process (śodhana) of the body, mind and sense. This is achieved through the navakriyā (nine cleanses). Thereafter the navakaraṇi can implement a personalised holistic lifestyle into their daily life. This includes therapy for pacifying the vitiated doṣa-s (śamana), personalised wholesome diet and regiment (pathyavṛtta), conscious living (sadvṛtta), rejuvenation procedures (rasakaraṇa) and strengthening procedures (vājīkaraṇa).

Navakaraṇa Vyāyāma

An important component in establishing a personalised holistic lifestyle is about implementing physical and mental trainings (vyāyāma).

Vyāyāma helps in maintaining and improving health and wellbeing.

Navakaraṇa Vyāyama consists of the application of a peculiar methodology for training referred to as “Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa”.

There are three important collections of sequences (Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Krama Maṇḍala): 

Navakaraa Vinyāsa Bheaja krama mālā (collection of healing sequences)

Navakaraa Vinyāsa Hdayam krama mālā (collection of essentials sequences)

Navakaraa Vinyāsa Prakṛṣṭa krama mālā (collection of advance sequences)

The “Bheṣaja krama mālā” is a group of series for those who want to reach optimal health. The Hṛdayam krama mālā is for healthy individuals who want to maintain their health, and the Prakṛṣṭa krama mālā is for those who want to unfold their potentials to the maximum.

These collections are arranged synergistically to the moon-cycle (candra-māsa) and seasons (kāla).

Navakaraṇa Mārgaṇa

Navakaraṇa Mārgaṇa is the most subtle aspect of Navakaraṇa practice. Mārgaṇa consists of finding one’s purpose and meaning of life (dharma). This is possible only by expanding consciousness, through profound thoughts, reflections, considerations, discussions, ontological self-enquiries, spiritual measures (daivavyapāśraya) and ultimately reach harmony and oneness with the Universe (aikātmya).

Navakaraṇa Teacher Training Courses 

Self-transformation through physical, prāṇic and mental training.

Navakaraṇa teacher training courses guide students in learning how to practice and teach Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Krama Maṇḍala (a cyclic-collection of sequences) and acquire an in-depth understanding of Navakaraṇa Methodology.

The fundamental theories, practice and methodology of Navakaraṇa is split into two courses: Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Hṛdayam and Navakaraṇa Sākalya Tantra. 

Senior students desirous of polishing their teaching skills and practice can continue with two   subsidiary courses: Navakaraṇa Śikṣā Paddhati and Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Prakṛṣṭa. The former includes an in-depth study of Navakaraṇa Methodology, choreography (synergetic sequencing) and teaching skills. The later on developing personalised advanced series practice.

Navakaraa Vinyāsa Hdayam

This programme covers the essentials for the practice and teaching acquired through a collection of 36 multilevel sequences called Hṛdayam krama mālā (a collection of essential sequences). 

The first step in Navakaraṇa is to educate the practitioner (navakaraṇi) at the physical, prāṇic and mental level. For this reason, the practitioner (navakaraṇi) has to complete the teacher training course Navakaraa Vinyāsa Hdayam (lit. The essentials of Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa). This course, also called “The Essentials” consists mainly of physical, prāṇic and mental training. The practitioner (navakaraṇi) learns how to practice and teach a collection of 12 series (Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Mālā). The teacher training course is divided into four modules:

  • Module 1: opening the body;
  • Module 2: building strength and control;
  • Module 3: developing flexibility and dynamism;
  • Module 4: achieving control over complex and asymmetrical movements. 

The Hdayam krama mālā   consists of a collection 36 sequences (krama) arranged into 12 series. The sequences (krama-s) include composition of movements and poses given in progression, allowing practitioners to personalise the practice according to their levels. Every sequence works on all parts of the body, but with a specific anatomical focus which varies every day according to the sequence. Dedicated students can complete the 4-module courses in about three years. Once the practitioners have mastered the practice and teaching of the 12 series, they should follow a particular routine for practice and teaching. The routine is named “ Krama Maṇḍala” (lit. cycle of sequences). This routine consists of 30 moon-days (tithi) equivalent to a lunar month (candramāsa).  

The 12 series are arranged according to the natural course of the moon cycle. Besides the vinyāsa practice, the practitioners observe oil bath, fasting, rest days, silence and other psychological meansures and spiritual activities in accordance with the lunar month (candramāsa). With this essential routine the practitioner can include the series and procedures of both the Bheṣaja and Prakṛṣta krama mālā.

Navakaraṇa Sākalya Tantra

This course is accessible only to level 1 graduated students and above. It is a compendium to Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Hṛdayam. 

Navakaraṇa Sākalya Tantra focuses on the principle of the self-healing (svasthavṛtta) and study of a collection of sequences named Bheṣaja krama mālā (A collection of healing sequences). At the completion of this course graduates acquire full understanding of Navakaraṇa Tantra and all the essential knowledge for implementing in their life and teaching  a variety of techniques, practices and lifestyle measures for holistic transformation. 

Navakaraṇa Śikṣā Paddhati

Navakaraṇa Śikṣā Paddhati or an in-depth course on Navakaraṇa methodology and teaching skills necessary to acquired complete understanding and mastery in teaching.

Navakaraa Vinyāsa Prakṛṣṭa

Prakṛṣṭa a subsidiary course to Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Hṛdayam which prepares the trainees for the practice and teaching of advanced sequences named Prakṛṣṭa krama mālā (A collection of advanced sequences). This syllabus is generally taught one-to-one.