Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa
Tutoring Programme
Bridging Course with Laura Borges
A 24-hr preparatory bridging intensive for Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Hṛdayam Teacher Training Course.

Food and accommodation arrangement service can be provided upon request.

USD 450.00


Tutoring Programme

9:00 - 11:00 Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Practice

11:00 - 11:15 Refresh

11:15 - 13:15 Tutoring

13:15 - 14:15 Lunch Break

14:15 - 16:15 Tutoring

16:15 - 16:30 Short Break

16:30 - 18:30 Tutoring

15-17 November 2024

Course Description & Objectives

Navakaraṇa Vidyā literally means “study and learning” of the Navakaraṇa method.

Together with our Grand Master Dario Calvaruso we have created this 24-hour tutoring programme aimed at preparing students enrolled in their first Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Teacher Training to enter the course with ease and confidence.


This Tutoring Programme is divided into three 8-hour days of practice, study and preparation for Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Hṛdayam Master Teacher Training Power & Control where students will have the opportunity to:


the three complete series of Power & Control:

– Pārśvottāna sāraṇī (the side-intense-stretch series)

– Vīrabhadra sāraṇī (the vīrabhadra series)

– Laghu sāraṇī (the simplified series)


the essential concepts of the Navakaraṇa method:

– The karaṇa system

– The 9 categories

– Body proportions

Learn and understand the concepts of:

– Kinaesthetic progression

– Synergistic composition


– to read the manual

– to write anukramaṇī

(instructions and cues for the choreography of each series)


Tutoring provides students with:

– a solid knowledge of the fundamental concepts of the Navakaraṇa Method

– more confidence in yourself and your abilities as a practitioner and potential teacher

– understanding and awareness of your own body 

– technical, theoretical guidance and emotional support from your tutor


Fuerteventura Yoga Shala

Corralejo, Fuerteventura, Spain

Tel: +34 646 920 720 

Ig: @fuerteventurayogashala

Frequently Asked Questions

Tutoring Programme

This is a bridging course for Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Hṛdayam Teacher Training students.

New students can join this programme along with Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Hṛdayam Teacher Training Course with a special offer. 


Mentorship Programme

This is a follow up course for graduates of a Teacher Training module.

Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Hṛdayam Teacher Training graduates can join this programme.

Outstanding graduates who have completed all four Modules. Master and/or Alumnus teach these programmes.


Please check above description to make sure you are clear who your faculty will be teaching this programme.

Tutoring Programme


Mentorship Programme


In order to maintain a high standard of learning experience, facilitate apprehension and easy interaction between the faculty and students, we do not accept more than 20 participants in this course.

If you are serious about joining these programmes, register now to secure your spot.


Tutoring Programme

Drop-in for the morning intensive practice is open to all and is available upon request. 

Tutoring Programme and Mentorship Programme are supplementary courses for new students and graduates.

We offer a special bundle offer for Tutoring Programme package 

This is a bridging course designed to help you enter into your first module of Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa Hṛdayam Teacher Training with ease and confidence.

This is not a certified course. To become a Navakaraṇa teacher, you will need to graduate from at least one of our Navakaraṇa Vinyāya Hṛdayam Teacher Training modules where you will learn the method, sequences and teaching skills in details.

Terms and Conditions

By registering to our programme you confirm to read, understand, acknowledge and agree to the Terms & Conditions and have read, understood, acknowledged and agreed to our Global Privacy Policy worldwide.