Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa
The Essentials
An Immersion Workshop with Dario Calvaruso
An in-depth dive into the most important elements of Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa at Casa Sangam with three private lakes and 9 hectares of farm land in enchanting Gubbio Italy. A Holistic Retreat Centre for in-depth learning and amazing time together.
USD 360.00

A course by



Anytime in the afternoon.

10 January 2025
11-12 January 2025

The Essentials Workshop

Saturday and Sunday

9:00 - 16:00


Anytime before noon.

12 January 2025


  1. Navakaraṇa explained
  2. Prāṇa in practice
  3. The essentials in practice 
  4. Bandha and Kriyā in practice 
  5. Kinaesthetic progression explained
  6. Synergetic sequencing explained
  7. Common mistakes to be avoid in practice
  8. Safety and progress in practice
  9. Skills in practice 

Workhsop Schedule


Participants must have taken bath before entering the śālā. Nobody is allowed to enter the śālā without taken bath. Śālā will be open by 8:45. 

7:45 - 8:45
8:45 - 9:00

Getting ready

Students enter the śālā in silence:

  • on an empty stomach, clean body and composed mind
  • keeping complete silence
  • set the mat and props
  • sit for mindful breathing until commencement of class

No food is allowed in the śālā.

Series Practice

By 9:00, the śālā door will be closed and thereafter no entry is allowed. Class starts with Teacher's introduction to the series, followed by series practice. 

9:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:45


Refresh and change clothes


Insights into the practice

10:45 - 12:30
12:30 - 13:00


Light lunch


Discussion and methodology

13:00 - 14:00
14:00 - 14:15

Short Break


Practical Training

Conditioning and training

14:15 - 16:00


Conducted in English. If you need an interpreter, please send a request →


Rooms Setting

Twin Occupancy

Triple Occupancy

Quadruple Occupancy 


The earlier you book the more chance you get to book the rooming configuration of your liking. 


The price of room is inclusive of three meals per day. All meal are vegan (without the use of garlic and onion). If you have any food allergies or serious autoimmune disease limiting your diet (e.g. Celiac disease etc), please check with our organiser before making your booking, if it is possible to prepare food options for you.


In order to maintain a high standard of learning experience, facilitate apprehension and easy interaction between the faculty and students, we do not accept more than 30 participants in class.

If you are serious about joining our workshop, register now to secure your spot.

Class requirements

Class compulsory requirements:

  • notebook and pen
  • personal mat
  • two exercise blocks
  • one exercise towel
  • one face towel
  • a change of clothes


  • water bottle or thermo
  • five-toes socks


You can leave only inexpensive / unimportant items in the studio (such exercise blocks, mat etc.) during the workshop at your own risk and responsibility.

As per our Terms & Conditions the Teacher, Company, Host and/or staff appointed are not responsible for any damage or loss of your personal belongings.

Terms and Conditions

By registering to our programme you confirm to read, understand, acknowledge and agree to the Terms & Conditions and have read, understood, acknowledged and agreed to our Global Privacy Policy worldwide.

Frequently asked questions

This workshop is suitable for all levels from beginners to advanced practitioners and teachers. We cover in depth the fundamentals of Navakaraṇa Vinyāsa methodology in this 12-hour workshop. 

This is a foundational workshop into Navakaraṇa methodology and practice and a preparatory workshop for the teacher training.

To become a Navakaraṇa teacher, you will need to graduate from at least one of our Navakaraṇa Vinyāya Hṛdayam Teacher Training modules where you will learn the sequences and teaching skills in details.